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“Why are we here and what happens after we die?” is a question pondered by man for hundreds of thousands of years.  Moving into the 21st century, science is still no closer to an answer.  What is the purpose of life, is there life after death, reincarnation or do we just cease to be?  Most people seek religion for answers but for those unable to answer such an important question with a belief, can faithless philosophies give structure, purpose and an explanation to our life’s we so desperately need?


We do know that everyone exhibits their own personality from birth. That personality could be any part of genetics, our experience in the womb before birth, or if there is such a thing, our existence before conception.

From the moment of birth what we experience and learn defines who we become and how we behave.  Even experiences that can’t be recalled cognitively end up deep rooted in our subconscious and effect who we are.  If there is an afterlife then the effects of what we  experienced in life not only become part of us, but part of our soul.  Could, to learn and experience  things in life be why we are here?  If so even bad experiences as tough as they are to go through could be looked at afterward as being positive in a way that helps us understand and develop.

Most religions teach us to have good values, and ethics.  Wouldn’t it be better if we did this not out of fear, or promise of rewards in an afterlife but because what we learned and experienced made us the kind of person that wants to.


My philosophy is simple and designed to give purpose and meaning to life with or without a spiritual outcome.

Imagine an empty circle.  The outline of the circle represents you at conception and is made up of genetics,  and if there is such a thing, our existence before conception and previous incarnations.  The purpose in life is to learn and fill the circle with as many experiences as you can.

Should there be an afterlife the circle represents your soul.  If you are doing a good job filling the circle you can take comfort that you are most likely living your life in a way that follows the teachings of any respectful God.

If after death we simply cease to exist, the circle represents your brain.  In this unfavorable outcome you can still take comfort in knowing that you are living your “one life” in an ethical way and to it’s full potential.

Either way,  What a full and satisfying life you will have!

Dave Lister



Constantly seeking new experiences that will be part of you for eternity gives both purpose and meaning to life.  The more you learn and experience, the closer you will be to understanding yourself and life.  It provides incentive for you to do more with your life, encouraging you out of your comfort zone and challenging you to achieve things you never thought possible.

The broader the range of experiences you have, the equally broader your perspective on life becomes.   Because new experiences are infinite there is always something  different to see or do no matter who you are or how old.


The philosophy can apply to everyone and be followed by anyone able to comprehend it.  Someone, for interest who has a mental illness may be limited as to what they can do and experience.  But the illness also gives them an extremely unique experience and perspective of life the rest of us could never fully understand.  No matter who you are, in most cases everyone is able to do and learn more.

Who knows, should reincarnation exist, the purpose of it may be to provide us with these unique experiences and perspectives.


At a formal fund raising dinner, 3 people all of whom currently have the same financial status were asked to donate to help starving children in a foreign country.  Who do you think would typically donate the most?

  • Person 1 that had never been to a poor country
  • Person 2 that had visited a third world country and worked with orphan children
  • Person 3 that had come from a poor country and was once a starving child.

Although Person 3 has gone through the tragic experience of starving when a child, it has enabled them to truly understand the need.  Because of this intimate understanding  Person 3 is most likely to give the most followed by person 2.

In religions that believe we are judged in the afterlife by things like generosity, person 3 would most likely be better judged only because of an experience the other 2 didn’t have.

Like the example above the more things in life we can truly understand through experiencing them the more likely we are to naturally live a moral and understanding life.  Even person 2, having experienced travelling to a 3rd world country to help children would have a much better understanding of the need then someone that’s never left the country.  Without experience we are partially blind to the effects we have on the people around us for our every day actions or inactions.

Just imagine if everyone in the world could totally understood what every one else was experiencing and how they felt.  We could create a society that is fair to everyone and have world peace.


A family of 4 traveling down the highway in a car skid out of control on some snow.  The father driving has never been in an accident, with years of winter driving experience he feels mild nervous tension but confident he will have it under control shortly.  The Mother in the passenger seat had been seriously injured in a traffic accident 2 years ago and experiences extreme fear.  In the back seat their 10 year old son who has never been in a skidding car or an accident compares it to a amusement park ride and experiences a thrilling excitement.  Their 1 year old baby doesn’t understand what’s going on and has no change in mood.

Even though all four members of the family have gone through the same event, depending on their previous experience, they all experienced it differently. The same variation of views apply to everything in our lives whether it be morals, politics or a skidding car.  With an open mind the more things we have experienced in the past, the better our understanding will be of new ones.


Although we may not be able to recall it cognitively, evidence shows any significant experience we’ve had remains in our subconscious and stays a part of how we act and who we are. With all the physiatrists in the world treating people for problems stemming from some experience they had in the past and could no longer recall, its reasonable to believe we never actually forget the effects of any experience.

Dave Lister


hydro metre

It’s minus 5 degrees outside but inside the house it’s warm and comfortable.  If your like most people, as the furnace is running to warm your house the hydro metre is running extra fast powering compressors to keep the inside of the fridge and freezer cold.  In climates that are often below the freezing mark 4-5 months out of the year why not use the outside elements for cooling?


By installing a temperature exchange unit similar to a car radiator outside (photo above)  and a smaller one inside the fridge it should be possible on cold days to use a very low energy water pump to circulate plumbing antifreeze through insulated pipes between the two.  The circulating water pump would use a small fraction of the energy of the fridges compressor and if used 4 months out of the year should not only save money on energy but also extend the life of the appliance by 33%.

updated fridge3

When the outside thermostat registers -5 degrees or colder a signal is sent to the control module inside the fridge and a relay disconnects the fridges compressor.  Instead of the fridges thermostat activating the compressor when it becomes too warm the pump is activated instead and cold plumbing antifreeze from the “outside temperature exchange unit” is brought through insulated pipes to the “fridge temperature exchange unit” and cools the fridge.  When the fridge is cold again the control module shuts off the pump.

On a commercial level such as in a supermarket with rows of freezers, using the outside cold from the winter has a much bigger benefit.  Cooling tubes mounted in the freezer during manufacturing could be used in winter to circulate cold plumbing antifreeze from outside storage reservoirs.   Conventional cooling compressors would still be used for summer time or warm winter days.

Another possibility is on cold winter days would be to use cold air instead of cold liquid.

A thermostat in the food cooler from a grocery store would activate a roof vent fan.  Cold outside air would be blown down through insulated ducts to the inside walls of the food cooler.


In winter, the insulation from the inside walls of the food cooler would be automatically retracted creating a channel for cold outside air to be blown through.


In summer time the insulation is automatically moved up against the inside walls of the food cooler. A traditional compressor is used with evaporator coils.


Its hard to believe that in todays day and age we still waste so much energy and money creating a cold area for food when in the winter time our house is surrounded by it.

Dave Lister

Note: This is an original idea by me but there may be similar products or patents already.  I am not an expert, if you attempt to build or use always consult with an expert and check with all local code and laws.  Build and use at your own risk.  I take no responsibility for injury, death or damage to property.



FINAL good

Anyone that owns a cat knows one of the biggest problems is the cat litter.  Aside from the smell, bits of litter stuck to the cat’s paws as it leaves the litter box end up end up all over the floor.  Unless swept up constantly they quickly get tracked everywhere.

I have found that placing an old car floor mat in front of the area the cat uses to exit the box  that 90% of the litter gets trapped in the groves of the mat reducing the need to sweep the floor as often.


Most cats take a while to get used to walking on the mat so at first you will most likely have to block off 3 sides of the litter box with something high so they have to exit to the one side that has the mat in front.  Once they are used to the mat, cutting a grove to make one side of the litter box lower will encourage them to use that side and step on the mat as they exit.

Dave Lister

Note: This is an original idea by me but there may be similar products or patents already.  I am not an expert, if you attempt to build or use always consult with an expert and check with all local code and laws.  Build and use at your own risk.  I take no responsibility for injury, death or damage to property.



Bolt a 12 volt, 3000lb winch onto a trailer coupler and attach it to the trailer hitch of any vehicle and for around a $100.00 you now have the power to move heavy loads short distances.

close up of winch


I recently bought a boat and trailer in late fall that I needed to get into a tight spot for winter storage.  A regular size vehicle was too big and my small lawn tractor had no where near the power to move it, so I built this device  to attach to the lawn tractor’s trailer hitch.  By having someone hold the brakes down on the lawn tractor and blocking the wheels, with the engine turned off and the transmission in neutral, I was able to move the boat to where I wanted it by just using the winch.

photoshoped boat

When it came time to take the boat out of the water the 2 wheel drive pickup I was using could not get enough traction on the launch ramp to pull the weight of the boat and trailer up it.  I had this device with me so I parked my Cavalier at the top of the ramp on level ground.  I attached this device onto the trailer hitch of the car and connected the hook to the front bumper of the pickup.  I then had someone start the car (so the power brakes would be working), put there foot firmly on the brake (preventing all 4 wheels from turning) and place the car in neutral (to prevent damage to the transmission).  I was then able to use the winch to pull the pickup, boat, and trailer up the launch ramp.

There is no telling how many uses a device like this could be good for.  Next spring I am going to use it to try to remove an old tree stump.

Dave Lister

Note: This is an original idea by me but there may be similar products or patents already.  I am not an expert, if you attempt to build or use always consult with an expert and check with all local code and laws.  Build and use at your own risk.  I take no responsibility for injury, death or damage to property.  Moving heavy objects is extremely dangerous and involves a great deal of knowledge and common sense.



The judge entered the court room and announced he had come to a decision in the murder case.  In the defendant box sat 3 women, all had admitted to combining their money to hire a hit man to kill Victor, the man that had done them wrong.  Although they admitted to hiring the hit man, they each pled not guilty of his murder for a different reason.

The judge ordered the first women to rise.  She had pled not guilty because she did not actually kill Victor herself, the hit man she hired did it.  The judge found the women guilty and said “had she had not hired the hit man, Victor would still be alive”.  He went on to explain that she was just as guilty as the hit man and that hiring someone was a cowardly act to distance her from the responsibility and dirty work of the killing.

The judge ordered the second women to rise.  She had pled not guilty because she had only contributed a small amount of the hit man’s fee.  The judge found her guilty as well.  He explained that even small contributions can still add up to murder and she too, was just as responsible as the person that pulled the trigger.

The third women was ordered to stand.  She had pled not guilty because Victor was small, ugly and not too smart, so his death didn’t matter. This reason outraged the judge the most and she was also found guilty.  He explained that murder is not OK regardless of size and looks.  On the inside everyone thinks and feels the same and we are all equal.

Do you agree with the judge’s decisions?  What happens when we apply this simple logic to animals?  Does our reasoning become like that of the 3 women?  Are you an animal killer?

Most people believe that humans are in a category of their own above animals but what about animals themselves, are there different category’s of importance for them and if so what are they and why?  What is the difference between a Lion and  a spider besides the obvious ones of size and looks?  Both have brains, some form of conscious existence and feel pain, common elements found within all animals.   Should we not considered all animals equal like we consider all humans equal?  If so, if a person kills a spider, do they have the right to condemn someone that kills a Lion or are they no different then the 3rd women in the murder trial  that believes because of size and looks, killing the spider is OK.  Are looks and size amongst animals as superficial as a Halloween mask covering their conscious existance?  Why do we have conflicting feelings from the killing of different animals?

What would you do if you just spent your life savings on a house and found out afterward there were mice inside and it was infested with thousands of termites?  Would you put down poison yourself, hire an exterminator to kill them, or just let them destroy the house?   What if instead of mice and termites the house had squirrels and racoons that were doing an equal amount of damage?  Now suppose the method of killing the squirrels and raccoons caused no more pain to them than the termites and mice felt, would you have a problem with exterminating them?  Not only do some people have a problem even thinking about killing a pest like this just because it’s size and looks, in many places it’s illegal.  Are we again using the 3rd women’s reasoning for these attitudes and laws?

In the Summer of  2015 a black bear wondered into the highly populated city of Newmarket just outside of Toronto.  After some time police deemed the bear a risk to public safety and fatally shot it, the video later posted on the news.  A large protest of the killing followed on social media.  Looking back to the 3 women’s defences for murder, how many cows, chickens, etc.  do you think the people that protested killed that same day alone by buying a fast food burger, bucket of chicken, or meat at the grocery store. Would the protesters have the same reaction to the bear if they had been taken to the slaughter house regularly and shown the animals they eat being killed?  What if instead of paying the slaughter house, the protesters had to kill the animals themselves?  How many would be able to do it and if they couldn’t,  in the eyes of the judge from the murder case would they be considered cowards for hiring other people to kill for them?  Although the bear was not killed for human consumption it’s death was still not a waste.  Nothing goes to waste in the food chain, besides have you ever thrown out meat that you let go bad or left an unfinished a meal in a restaurant?  Not only that what if while waiting for someone to capture the bear it killed an unsuspecting child as it ran through unsecured residential areas?  What if someone died because police were busy with the bear and could not respond to another 911 call in time?

Have you ever ordered lobster from a restaurant or cooked it yourself?  Does it upset you when other people in a restaurant order lobster?  In most cases the lobster is killed by dropping it into boiling water yet unlike the bear there are no large protests on social media to stop the horrific way lobsters are killed.

Hunting, even when it is done for food, is a sport that is not well perceived by most people now, even though the natural death of an animal in the wild can be much more violent and painful then by a bullet.  It would seem some people think it is better that animals for food be raised and kept in small pens their whole lives for their own safety so that they can be killed quickly and humanly.  Few people themselves would spend their whole life in the house just to avoid any possible violent injury or death from the outside world, why would animals be any different?

Fishing on the other hand is still relatively popular and familiar to most people today and for the most part considered acceptable.   More and more people believe they are being morally responsible by practicing catch and release instead of keeping the fish for food, but are they?  How moral is it to trick a fish into driving a hook through it’s mouth and have it fight for its life until completely exhausted from trying to get away.  After being pulled from the water and while suffocating in the air the barbed hook is ripped from its mouth  with a pair of pliers, then it’s thrown back into the water.  A lot of times the hook cannot be removed without ripping out some of the fishes internal organs and the fish is released only to die a slow painful death.   Acts considered  unimaginable cruelty to some animals are done to fish for no other reason but for our personal enjoyment.  We even encourage kids to take part.

“I’m a vegetarian, I don’t kill animals” is something you hear more and more people say. What about buying leather shoes, down filled winter coats, cosmetics, fur and other products made from animals? By purchasing these items are you not like the 3 women in the murder case above?

Have you donated to cancer or any other medical research.  A lot of human lives have been saved through research that involved necessary testing of animals.  Healthy animals are injected with diseases and suffer in pain before dying.  By donating money to some medical research are you responsible for these animals pain and death?

I don’t know of anyone that I would not consider an animal killer, myself included.  Is it not as normal and acceptable for humans to kill animals as it is for some animals to kill other animals?  Has the powerful human emotions of empathy and protecting the weak and innocent, combined with our lack of exposure to some species of animal deaths caused a hypocritical lack of logical reasoning and denial in todays society?  If you could go back in time 100 years, how would you explain your feelings to a farmer that killing a troublesome squirrel or bear is wrong?  What if you were born and raised on a farm 100 years ago, with no store nearby, when you wanted chicken for dinner you had to kill it yourself.  Would your current views on killing animals be any different?  Would they make more sense?

Dave Lister