Category Archives: 7- CURRENT NEWS


It won’t happen while Donald Trump is in power, or by threats, but the idea of Canada and the US eventually joining together to become one self-contained mega country makes sense. Those who can’t think past their pride can imagine it as the US joining Canada as 50 new provinces. In actuality, it would be an entirely new country with a hybrid universal constitution and a blueprint for a free healthcare system that works. So obviously it won’t happen overnight.

Nowhere in the world do two such large countries border together that are so similar. If a mutually agreed upon merger of any two Countries ever happens, it will be here. Both Countries still have some evolving to do, but as that happens I believe we will become even more alike.

Forming a self-contained mega-country that is easily defendable would also preserve our freedom. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s secretive agendas, we should never assume we will never be challenged. Not to say we shouldn’t have trade with other countries, just not be dependent on it.

In a world that has seen nothing but Countries splitting apart or taken over, the voluntary merger of Canada and the US would demonstrate cooperation never seen before. They could be an example of what other democratic Countries strive to be like and join once they achieve it.

What better legacy for a president, prime minister, and the people of 2 countries to leave behind than the merging of two nations, laying the cornerstone for world peace.

Dave Lister


Another dog owner has had their beloved pet snatched away, helpless to do anything but imagine it crying out for their help as it is torn apart by Coyote. A haunting memory that will stay with them for years. There have already been averted attacks on small children but it’s only a matter of time until a mother is needlessly made to endure what far too many dog owners have gone through.

Toronto’s idea that dangerous wild animals belong and can co-exist in the most densely populated urban areas of Canada is as baffling as their idea that converting lanes of traffic to bike lanes reduces gridlock. These coyotes are quickly becoming less afraid of people and typical hazing techniques are no longer effective. The only solution is also the most obvious, Get rid of the coyotes! one way or the other.

Dave Lister


I don’t think anyone knows what President Trump’s plans are, not even him sometimes. That being said what’s clear to me is, that he is fed up with the US thanklessly doing the lions share of policing the rest of the world and wants to begin withdrawing support. Because of the worldwide instability this will cause, he wants to fortify the US borders and make the US independent of relying on importing goods from other countries. By placing tariffs on imports, it will encourage start-up companies in the US to begin producing currently imported items themselves, not to mention pouring billions of dollars of revenue into the government. Telling Canada that by increasing border security, tariffs can be avoided when he has no plans to drop them, is just a trick to get a gullable Canada to pay more towards fortifying the US border for him. Hopefully, our politicians will figure it out soon.

Although I understand what he wants to accomplish, his methods are economically reckless. He should have started with lower tariffs, at around 10 percent, increasing them year over year. This would allow US startup companies time to begin producing tariffed items without the US consumer being forced to suddenly pay 25 percent more overnight. It would also allow time to work out the complex problems tariffs will bring. That being said, 25 percent is most likely Trump’s phasing in point and we should be preparing for 50+ percent by the end of his term.

Trump’s tariffs could turn out to be a double-edged sword for US citizens should the US go back to free trade. Profitable companies born out of tariffs during the Trump term could go under if they can’t match the prices of imported items without tariffs.

There is not a lot Canada can do to stop Trump and we should be preparing long term, to start losing the US as a trading partner, at least for the next 4 years. Forget about increasing border security! If anything, threatening to reduce it back to what it was and use the money to subsidize Canadian businesses affected would be a much better strattagy. That, along with the counter tariffs planned is all we can do. Outrage by US citizens from the pain he causes them is the only thing that will change his tariff stratagy.

Dave Lister


In recent years the number of people suffering from mental illness has skyrocketed. A recent study at Harvard Medical School suggests that 1 of every 2 people, or 50% of the population will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. It is both impossible and impractical to treat that many people with the current system, without change many people will needlessly suffer.

The most effective way to deal with this problem is by adding Mental Health throughout the elementary and high school curriculums. Teaching students about how they may feel at different points in their life along with common cognitive therapies to deal with it would save unmeasurable amounts of suffering and money. Just knowing they are not the only ones who may be feeling the way they do can be a comfort in itself. Of course, this won’t be enough for everyone so knowing when to get professional help and how to spot someone else in crisis would also be part of the curriculum.

I can’t think of any subject taught in school that’s more important than a student’s health. Squeezing in time to teach mental health is not only imperative but critical for the changing needs of future generations.

Dave Lister


Push button start, has to be the dumbest thing by far that car makers have come up with. The idea makes so little sense, I can’t help considering that car thieves are designing our cars now.

Most cars now come with a push-button start, a system that uses a bulky fob to emit a radio frequency that unlocks the doors and starts the engine. For even the basic car thief, this signal can easily be copied with a modified computer. You might as well leave your doors unlocked and the engine running when you go to bed at night.

Bulky fobs are not easy to carry in a pocket meaning most people leave them in a convenient place by the front door making it easy for thieves to copy the signal from outside, right through the wall, The signal can also be copied when you drop your car off for repair or anywhere out in public when someone is within 6 feet of the fob.

So far, despite the obvious, how to stop car thefts of push-button start vehicles has baffled car makers, government task forces, and police, all while auto insurance rates go through the roof. The best advice they can offer car owners is to keep their fob in a faraday pouch, offering all the convenience of needing to take your fob in and out of the pouch every time you use the car. The other solution is to put a locking steel bar on the steering wheel every time you stop the car. It seems car thieves can’t get past the $80.00 key lock on these steel bars. I find storing a snow brush bad enough let alone a steel bar on top of that.

Here’s a thought, How about going back to a F#@KING KEY!!!! Put today’s technology into designing a physical key.

The problems with push-button start far outweigh any benefit, for me, there is no benefit, just problems. At the very least, if carmakers insist on continuing to build push-button start cars, add a key-locking steering column. That way there is a good chance your car will still be where you left it.

Dave Lister