Most likely, after reading the title, I have lost all credibility with you and you only continue to read this for entertainment. The fact is, after decades of suppression, air forces around the world are finally admitting they regularly come across “flying” “objects” in the sky that they cannot “identify” or explain, or by its very definition, “UFOs”. Even though governments have started to acknowledge UFOs exist under the rebranded name “UAPs” (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), they are rightfully, not rushing to the conclusion that they are extraterrestrial. Unfortunately, the same stigma you felt when you started reading this has so far prevented proper research as to what they are.
The stigma associated with UFOs started decades ago. Any intelligent person knew that unidentified objects in the sky could not possibly be extraterrestrial and therefore either an elaborate hoax or the active imagination of the person who saw it. After all, when you consider the size of the universe, it is not reasonably possible to be visited by extraterrestrial aliens. This stigma has ended the careers of any scientist who has attempted to study them and destroyed the lives of respectable people who publicly admit to seeing them, so for years, except in government conspiracy theories we continued to ignore them.
Even though the majority of UFO sightings can be explained, there is still overwhelming evidence some can not. If we apply advancements in science over the past several decades since the stigma began, although it still seems unlikely to be visited by aliens in person, the possibilities of the existence of “Un-Occupied Extra Terresstera UFOs” or “UO-ET-UFOs” can now reasonably be considered possible. By applying logic to what little we know about them. I will explain how and why “UO-ET-UFOs” could exist, and why it is important to take them seriously.
In 1992, less than 40 years ago, the first Exoplanet (a planet orbiting another star in our galaxy) was discovered, up until then there was no proof that planets even orbited other stars. Since then over 4,000 more have been confirmed and 7000 are still waiting to be confirmed. Out of the 4,000 confirmed there are 63 thought to be the right size and distance from their star to support life as we know it. Kepteyn b is one of these planets, only 13 light-years from Earth.
With our current knowledge, it’s still unpractical that life could travel 13 light years, let alone around the galaxy, but it is reasonably possible for intelligent life to send signals. Sending signals would also be the most logical form of first contact. After all, even if you had a car, you wouldn’t drive across the country to visit someone, only to find out no one is home. You would call first.
The most common things reported in possible ET-UFO sightings are that they move at high rates of speed, make erratic direction changes, and there is no observed wind or noise from their movement. This suggests they may not be solid, any solid mass moving through the atmosphere must displace the air it travels through causing a lot of wind and noise. So, what if they were a form of hologram? A sort of laser pointer from another world. If we fire a laser at Kepteyn b, it would arrive in only 13 years. Our fastest rocket to date with help from the sun’s gravity, is the Parker solar probe, reaching a record speed of 109 miles per second. Even at that speed, it would still take 22,178 years to get there.
Let’s say we decide to try to send a signal to a planet 13 light-years away using existing or reasonably advanced technology. Photons (light), associated with traditional holograms, would need to be fired from triangulated laser positions at the source to have a concentrated, visual focal point 13 light years away. (Obviously, we would aim at the calculated position of the planet in 13 years.) An array of such lasers could form a shape. By moving the array, the shape projected would move much like the unexplained possible ET-UFOs reported. Once built, sending signals to other planets would be as simple as making the calculations and moving the array.
Hologram forms could also be created in other ways. Particle accelerators such as the one developed by CERN, can now accelerate a particle to almost the speed of light. If we were to aim a particle accelerator at Kepteyn b, the particle would arrive in about 14 years. Unlike photons, with particle accelerators, we can control the velocity. Instead of a triangulated signal, an array of particle accelerators in one location could fire hundreds of busts per second containing billions of particles traveling at different velocities. Each burst would arrive at a given distance at the same time forming a shape for a split second. The bursts would only be visible only at the focal point. Multiple bursts per second would make the object appear solid. By moving the array, the object projected would appear to move, it would also show up on our radar systems. Because massive bursts of accelerated particles can be harmful and continue past the focal point, they would have to be aimed carefully to avoid striking any possible life by either traveling only through the atmosphere or by getting absorbed by a body of water.
Hologram technology itself is also making huge advancements. We can now manipulate a single particle floating in our atmosphere using an inferred laser. Although we are a long way from manipulating particles in the atmospheres of other worlds to form shapes, it may not be a problem for life forms hundreds, thousands, or millions of years more advanced than us.
So, let’s say this long drawn-out theory above, turns out to be right. What could it mean? We may be getting signals from other life in the galaxy. Mathematics and the discovery of exoplanets suggest the conditions that created life on Earth are common throughout the universe. If we put aside our arrogance that the entire Universe was created just for us, evidence suggests that extraterrestrial life should be abundant. If all or some life naturally evolves to become intelligent like it did on Earth, it would also make sense that at some point, it would try to contact other possible life in the universe. Methods and signals sent from each planet would differ according to their advancement and technical approach explaining the many different types of possible ET-UFO sightings reported. Most importantly, if it was possible to send a signal to another world, why would you not include a message? Some of these signals could contain massive amounts of binary or other encoded data, like a giant fiber optic cable, or at atomic levels in particle bursts. It may even pass on relayed information from other, more distant, and older worlds explaining some of the mysteries of the Universe.
With our current knowledge, and if Einstin’s theory that nothing can travel faster than light is correct, it still seems highly unlikely that intelligent life itself would be able to withstand the forces and time to ever meet face to face, but if intelligent life is in abundance in the universe, the eventual communication, by a sort of “cosmic Facebook” would make the most sense. These possible ET-UFOs may simply be “friend requests” from other worlds.
I admit, what I just wrote has very little scientific fact to back it up. It was written only to show that investigating UFOs has merit even if the investigation leads to possible extraterrestrial sources. Hopefully, now that UFOs have been given a new name, UAPs will now get the unbiased studies they deserve. Whether they be extraterrestrial, from another dimension, or technology from other countries here on earth, explainable, or remain unexplainable, they should not be ignored.
Dave Lister