The hydro-code in Canada is based on safety and common sense, but all that goes out the window when it comes to trees. After all, to be safe, common sense would suggest that no tree should be planted near an overhead powerline when its height at maturity could cause contact with the power line. Also, all existing trees near major overhead power lines should be cut down when possible if their hight gets to a point where it would come into contact with the power lines should it fall over.

Despite safety and common sense, governments continue to purposely plant new trees on boulevards, directly under power lines. Whatever the reasoning, save the planet or being green, the benefit is more than offset out by the fleets of diesel spewing trucks needed to constantly trim them. The cost of constant trimming also adds to the bottom line when it comes to our hydro bills.

Our obsession with trees has gotten out of control. In Toronto even cutting down or trimming a tree on your own property requires a permit. Anyone cutting down a tree without a permit, face fines and public shaming equal to that of serious crimes. In some cases, even when the roots threaten extensive damage to the foundation of a residence, permits to cut down the tree are denied.

There are over 85 billion trees in Ontario alone, those that put an insignificant few above safety and common sense need to reevaluate their priorities.

Dave Lister

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