As electric cars become more popular, one of consumers main concerns is the limitations of a rechargeable battery. Here are a couple of quick thoughts on some solutions.

Between cities, major and secondary highways could be set up with periodic charge lanes. The charge lane would last for around 50km and consist of an overhead electrical cable. A retractable rod is extended by the car, making contact with the wire and charging the car as it drives. A computer on the car would track the amount of power used and would send the information to the power company for billing.

Another possible solution would be to have electric car batteries standardized. They would be located on the bottom of the car on a quick-release system. To refuel, the car would drive into an automized refueling station. The station would be similar to an automatic car wash but with 2 “oil change” type pits. At the first pit, the automatic system would remove the low battery from the car and place it on the stations charging system. At the second pit a different, fully charged battery would be installed. The battery could be changed in under 2 minutes. Because the car would have a different battery every time it was recharged, the batteries would be rentals from large chain refueling stations. The car owner would be charged a flat rate yearly for the rental as well as a recharging fee every time the battery is changed. The rental battery would also be able to be recharged from home and other current recharging methods when available. The yearly cost of the rental battery would be offset with the savings when purchasing the car by making the battery an option.
Dave Lister