Tag Archives: Israel Hamas war


It is now, 3 months into the 2023 war between Israel and Hamas. Israel has made it clear, they are not going to stop until Hamas is defeated. The longer this takes, the greater the amount of suffering and lives lost. Palestinian civilians are not helpless, they have the power to quickly end the war.

If the Palestine civilians united with Israel against Hamas by providing intel to Israel, the inevitable defeat of Hamas would be quick and the war would be over. Civilians providing Israel with Hamas’s exact locations and other intel would enable Israel to pinpoint targeting away from innocent people, some may even know where the hostages are being held. This collaboration would show Israel that the majority of Palestinians do not support Hamas’s barbaric and violent ways, a critical factor in future post-war relations and solving the issues between the Palestinians and Israelis.

If Vietnam, Korea, and Afghanistan have taught us one thing, it’s that foreign interference does not help in the evolution of cultures. It’s up to “all” the people in that culture to make changes on issues with which they don’t agree. Throughout the world, civilians in non-democratic nations and cultures need to take more responsibility for their governments, otherwise, they will have no choice but to not only deal with the suppression by their government but also the wrath of other nations from the actions of that government.

Dave Lister
