Tag Archives: political correctness



In the Canadian National News today, yet another high profile man is accused of sexual misconduct.  Despite no charges being laid by police, meager checking of facts, and an anonymous accuser, he is immediately fired from his job, and publicly disgraced.  Decades of hard work building a remarkable life,  gone in an instant.

In our hast to correct some long standing politically incorrect (or “PC”) social injustices, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has been replaced with trial by media.   If that’s not bad enough, competition for viewers is driving even the most conservative media outlets to alter context and omit facts to sensationalize a story.  The result is a toxic culture that takes away the basic rights of the innocent.

Sexual misconduct and the “me too” movement have become the latest PC topics, it along with racism and discrimination often disproportionally dominate the news.   On Jan 12 in Toronto, despite a student being murdered on his way home from school it was a racism story about a girl claiming to have her religious clothing cut by an unknown attacker that headlined the national news.  All levels of government including the Prime Minister were quick to comment on it, condemning the attack and the person that did it,  vowing to use all resources available to quickly apprehend the perpetrator.  A few days later, after proper investigation by police it was found to be a hoax and never happened.  Luckily in this case an innocent suspect did not have their life ruined.

Other ways we try to correct injustices are also questionable but not so obvious.  In 2015, Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau was elected on a platform of being politically correct and fairness for all Canadians. In an effort to make government more fair and appear less sexist he set out to appoint his cabinet of being equal in gender, 15 men and 15 women.   Instead of appointing who is most qualified regardless of gender, he chose to correct a sexism problem with sexism. Hiring someone for the sole reason they are a women is no different then not hiring someone for the sole reason they are a women.

When it comes to some PC injustices “We will not tolerate it” is an expression frequently heard.  It is this intolerance that is taking away our basic right of freedom of speech through fear.  In a recent Facebook post, following a list of legitimate political concerns was written “Have the guts to repost this?”.  Their are some that will call this article sexist or racist for merely criticizing the unfair methods we handle these PC injustices.

Aside from promoting hatred, it’s important for everyone to feel free to express their opinions.  Changing sexist and racist views can only be done with dialogue, not condemnation.  The only thing worse then “sexist and racist views” is suppressed “sexist and racist views”.  I can’t help wonder if, and how much, suppressed views of how politically correct  problems were dealt with in the US contributed to the election of Donald Trump.

Let me make it clear, sexual misconduct, racism and discrimination are not only big problems in society today but in many cases a crime. They should be treated like all crimes and reported to police.    After a proper investigation if enough evidence exists, charges should be laid.  Injustices that are not against the law should be dealt with through litigation in the courts and be reflected  in future laws.  Its important to realize that changing peoples opinions can not be forced overnight, especially when unfair means are used.

As we struggle to find new ways to correct the unacceptable injustices that remain between us and a fair society for all, we need to make sure that by taking a step forward we are not taking 2 steps back.

Dave Lister
