Tag Archives: solutions


edited credit photo courtesy of NASA - Copy.jpgCancer can not survive without a host.  In small numbers it goes basically undetected but as its numbers increase the effects begin to break down various systems of the host.  Eventually the cancer becomes so large in numbers the host can no longer survive and dies, and with it so does the cancer.

Are we the cancer of the Earth?

In the last 50 years the world population has more then doubled from 3.3 billion to 7.3 billion people.  At our current population the environment is already noticeably stressed.  Estimates show that the world population could reach 9 billion by 2050.  Even with breakthroughs in science how many people can the earth support?   10 billion?  15 billion?  500 billion?  At what point will we realize we cannot go on the way we are and how badly damaged will the environment be by then?  Will it be too late?

Cancer Cells have no idea that there ever increasing numbers will eventually kill there host, along with them.

Are we smarter then a cancer cell?

Evidence of how fast the population is growing is not hard to find. In Toronto Canada there are so many new condos going up it’s not uncommon to find 3 construction cranes close together. Solutions to Toronto Traffic Part 2.jpgDoes Earth have cancer 2.jpg

The city of Bradford 65km to the north of Toronto has seen hundreds of acres of new housing built over the last 10 years, the edge of which can be seen in the distance of this photo. In the next 2 years housing will cover all of the empty field shown.Does Earth have cancer 4.jpg

Tapping the brakes on world population

Raising a child is one of the greatest and most fulfilling basic things in life and no one should be denied the experience, however our current mind set that large families our enviable has to change and changing our mind set and values takes time.  If the average family had only 1 or 2 children the world population would begin to decline. Even if the average amount of children per family were 2,  the population would no longer increase.  No one should be told how many children they are allowed to have but through education and government incentives on a national and global level people need to be encouraged to have smaller families.  Our increasing population is by far the single greatest threat to ourselves and the environment, it is also the easiest thing to fix.

Currently in Canada the government is still encouraging large families and offers thousands of dollars in tax savings for every child you have, in effect paying Canadians to have more children. What would happen if the government announced over the next ten years these tax savings would not change for the first child, be reduced by one half for the second child and nothing for any additional children? Would Canadians reconsider how many children they are going to have?  If not, what if the money the government saved from this was given as a form of tax credit to the families that just had one child or no children?  It’s hard to say right now what and how much it would take in government incentives to get the average family size down to a sustainable level and no doubt incentives would vary between countries.  Could there be other benefits to this kind of government policy?  Would financial incentives to have less children also possible reduce the number of unwanted or abused children?  Would having less children result in better care for the ones we have?   The sooner we start, the more time we have to learn and adjust and the easier the transition will be.

Governments also need to do more when it comes to contraception. Young people need to be educated before the age they become sexually active.  Affordable methods of contraception need to be made available to everyone and more research into new reliable methods needs to be done. The number of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies needs to be reduced as close to 0 as possible.

Not only do we need time to adjust to the idea of smaller families, what about the economy? How would a slowing population growth effect the economy?  Doe’s  our current economy rely on the pyramid system requiring more and more people every year to keep going?  By a slow and gradual reduction in population growth we can hopefully avoid any major economic disasters.

We can no longer think that we can sit back and as long as we recycle, conserve energy, use green products and green companies that everything will be  fine.  The fact is unless we can start to control our population now all other efforts are for nothing.  In the 5 minutes  it took you to read this article there are over 700 more people on earth. By this time tomorrow there will be another 200,000.

Dave Lister


(photo of Earth courtesy of NASA)


Edited 109


Few people would disagree that construction is a big cause of the traffic problems in Toronto. As a driver, and former employee of a large company that does work on Toronto’s roads it is clear to me that most construction companies have little regard to how they effect traffic. I can recall a number of times when I shut down a lane of traffic on a major street and not going back for days because my employer had other work and didn’t want to pay overtime to finish that job and free up the lane.




Only by effecting companies bottom line will they effectively make use of road closures. They will also be motivated to come up with creative ways to avoid it or speed things up:

-The company I worked with has many jobs that cause lane closures that are currently done during the day that could be done between 10:00PM and 6:00am.

-In some cases 3 construction crews doing the same type of work at 3 different locations could be all assigned to 3 different 8hr shifts at 1 location eliminating 2/3 of some road closures (max DB levels would have to be established and enforced at the outside wall of any residential buildings between 10:00PM and 7:00AM).

-Maybe the new condo could be built without taking out a lane of traffic in front for months which is currently the case in several locations along Adelaide St West.

In any case if construction Companies are required to pay, no traffic lanes will be closed unnecessarily. Motorists might be a little more tolerant with construction knowing the company that closed down the lane ahead of them is paying for it.


A lot of road work is paid for by the City of Toronto and therefore a lot the permit costs received would be reflected back in contractor bids for the city jobs but the winning contractor would be the one that could keep these costs to a minimum.

The remaining money from permit costs would be more than enough to fund the cost of implementing and maintaining this system and would be a significant revenue stream for the city of Toronto.


0-6 MONTHS- Establish an office, staff and user friendly web site for the public that can display a map of the city showing every hour of the day for the next 12 months

6-18 MONTHS- Require companies to have a permit to shut down a lane but no charges yet to allow them time to adjust their job bidding costs, come up with new solutions to avoid costs and for the permit office to refine web site and procedures.

-Construction company calls permit office for permit with street numbers from __ to __, direction and lane to be closed and the times it will be closed

Permit employee goes on the permit office web site with Toronto map for that street, date and times and verifies other parallel streets in area not already shown closed with other permits

Permit employee changes map and adds red line for east bound lane closures and green line for west bound closures between addresses given and notes the permit number next to it.

Permit employee then e-mails permit right away to construction company that they are required to display in windshield of vehicles at work site.

Public is given access to view permit web site in real time. They could enter any date and time between 6:00am and 10:00pm in the next 12 months and view a map of Toronto showing what lanes are scheduled to be closed anywhere in the city.

18 MONTHS + Charging for permits begins. Same procedure as 6-18 months except construction companies credit card info taken and billed before permit is e-mailed. For larger amounts certified cheque or bank transfer must be received before permit is issued.

The permit web site for the public would have a phone number for the public to call to report any construction lane closures that do not appear on the web site map for that date and time. If calls for same company and location are received more than 2hrs apart (1hr no charge + 1hr grace) an inspector is dispatched and the company is fined.

The permit web site would also have a phone number for the public to be used for noise complaints from construction companies between 10:00pm and 7:00am. An inspector would be dispatched to check predetermined DB levels at the outside wall of nearest residential building. If the level are too high the construction company would be permitted to work only between 7:00am and 10:00pm with a valid permit.

Only by effecting construction companies bottom line will they truly avoid non-essential lane closures.

Dave Lister


NOTE: the above article was written by me on May 29/ 2014 and sent by e-mail to the following:

  • Globe and Mail
  • Toronto Star
  • Frances Nunziata
  • Rob Ford (Toronto’s Mayor at the time)
  • David Soknacki
  • Karen Stintz
  • Olivia Chow
  • The John Oaklew Show Am 640
  • John Tory (Toronto’s current Mayor)

Since John Tory has become mayor he has implemented some of the above ideas such as 24hr construction, and a construction coordination centre.



You don’t have to go too far in downtown Toronto to find another construction crane putting up another 300 unit condo or office tower where there used to be a parking lot, green space or block of single family homes. In fact there are so many that in some areas the cranes look like they could crash into each other as they spin around.

With the major traffic problem and the inadequate public transit in Toronto’s downtown core why are so many permits still given out for all these condos adding hundreds of units a month and cramming more and more people into an already gridlocked city? It is time to stop giving out building permits that add to the population density in areas of Toronto that have transportation inadequacies (almost all or the downtown core). Like a glass of water being overfilled, too much effort is put into trying to clean up the mess rather then the simplest solution of stop pouring the water into it. The longer the city waits to fix this problem the harder it gets and the more expensive it becomes. Building first then trying to update the infrastructure is like packing a house full of new furniture then renovating the walls and floors.

The argument that because most of the people in some newly built condos do not own a car and therefore do not add to the traffic gridlock is a myth. Anyone living downtown that does not own a car requires a wide range of goods and services to be shipped in from groceries, clothing, mail, repair and maintenance services as well as anyone that comes to visit them that travels by car. Also, the more people that do not have a car moving downtown are stressing our current public transit system even further beyond it’s limits.

Once Toronto stops issuing building permits that increase the population density the gridlock will stop getting worse. Let’s get the sewers and hydro upgraded, fix the roads, add subways and once the existing gridlock is gone then issue permits for new condos and projects that add to the population density in the areas that can handle it.

Dave Lister


NOTE: the above article was written by me on June 16/ 2014 and sent by e-mail to the following:

  • Toronto Sun
  • Toronto Star
  • Frances Nunziata
  • Rob Ford (Toronto’s Mayor at the time)
  • Karen Stintz
  • Olivia Chow
  • John Tory (Toronto’s current Mayor)



After driving for my job for more then 20 years in downtown Toronto there is one method that works to move traffic when done right and that is one way streets. Although they haven’t been a good example in the last several years due to condo and road construction causing multiple closed lanes in multiple locations, Richmond and Adelaide make up a vital east west artery in Toronto. With the 2 streets in close proximity to each other and Adelaide being a 4 lane street east bound and Richmond being a 4 lane street west bound it was well worth driving out of my way to use them when I had to cross the city.

The reason for this is simple. With a typical 4 lane 2 way road like Yonge St. at every intersection if a car wants to turn right on a green light they have to wait for a break in a sometimes never ending line of pedestrians leaving only the left lane of traffic to get through. If a car wants to turn left on a green light they have to wait for a break in oncoming traffic and a break in a sometimes never ending line of pedestrians on the other side of the road leaving only the right lane to get through. If a car is trying to turn right at the same time another car is trying to turn left then no one gets through. The current solution Toronto uses is to ban right, left or both turns at intersections but this sometimes makes cars drive past there turn causing them to drive further and longer getting to their destination resulting in even more congestion.

With a 4 lane one way street like Richmond or Adelaide, at each intersection a car can be turning right at the same time another car is turning left and the 2 centre lanes are still open for traffic going straight through. It also makes it possible for cars to turn at all intersections either direction without effecting the 2 centre lanes. This not only works, but works well.

By converting more carefully selected streets to one way Toronto can create arteries that would be able to move multiple times the traffic of the current layout.

Dave Lister


NOTE: the above article was written by me on June 25/ 2014 and sent by e-mail to the following:

  • Toronto Star
  • The Globe and Mail
  • Frances Nunziata
  • Rob Ford (Toronto’s Mayor at the time)
  • Karen Stintz
  • Olivia Chow

John Tory (Toronto’s current Mayor)




Are you in good mood?

If you answered yes then you probably haven’t just travelled through downtown Toronto. The fact is that gridlock and lack of public transit have reached a critical state. Whether your watching another packed bus or streetcar pull away without you or you’ve just been cut off yet again in your car, few people can not help feeling frustrated and angry after even a short trip downtown. Government solutions are mostly years away from completion if they ever get built at all and we need to something now.

The solution is to put future plans submitted for any future developments that add to the number of people living and working downtown such as condos and office towers on hold. The city needs to charge construction companies by the hour for shutting down lanes to prevent unnecessary road closures and we need to create traffic arteries buy changing some 4-lane roads to one way streets to better move traffic. If we act now to get things under control we might make getting around Toronto bearable again. If we do nothing we are heading for years of even more misery and a disaster that can only be fixed by huge tax hikes and deficits.

Dave Lister


NOTE: the above article was written by me on June 27/ 2014 and sent by e-mail to the following:

  • Globe and Mail
  • Toronto Star
  • Frances Nunziata
  • Rob Ford (Toronto’s Mayor at the time)
  • Norm Kelly
  • Karen Stintz
  • Olivia Chow
  • Kathleen Wynne
  • John Tory (Toronto’s current Mayor)
  • The Toronto Sun